在使流动下,所有PSE Up & Go Electric programs include enhanced incentives for transportation electrification projects benefitting historically underrepresented communities and the 社区组织, government agencies and 部落的实体 that serve them.

Preparing for an electric future where you live, work and drive

By 2035, new passenger cars and trucks sold in Washington state 将是电的.

PSE is offering enhanced 使流动 incentives for qualified customers looking to electrify their multifamily properties, 工作场所和车队.

  • Up & 多户用电: 多户家庭的 properties that house predominantly low-income residents or Tribal communities are eligible for higher incentives for charging installation, as well as incentives for EVs to be used in shared mobility programs. Learn more >>
  • Up & 在工作场所使用电力: Employers and workplace facilities that employ and/or directly serve historically underrepresented communities are eligible for higher incentives for our customer-owned charger installation option. Learn more >>
  • Up & 电动化: 社区组织, 部落的实体, government agencies and BIPOC-owned small businesses that directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities may be eligible to receive additional technical advisory services and enchanted incentives on both electric vehicle service equipment and electric vehicles. Learn more >>
  • Up & 公共用电: Businesses and communities whose sites directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities are eligible for enhanced incentives and services for the installation of a public charging station. Learn more>>
  • Up & 居家充电: PSE residential electric customers with qualifying household incomes are eligible for a rebate of up to $600 on a Level 2 home charger and additional financial incentives to cover installation costs. Learn more>>
  • 增强移动性资格

    PSE is committed to promoting equitable access to electric mobility. 有资格获得使流动奖励, 客户必须直接服务, house and/or employ historically underrepresented communities (also known as named communities). Named communities include both highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations.

    Highly impacted communities are census tracts designated by the Washington State Department of Health as a 9 or 10 on the 环境健康差异图 or a community located in census tracts that are fully or partially on “Indian country” as defined in 18 U.S.C. 证券交易委员会. 1151.

    弱势群体 are communities that experience a disproportionate cumulative risk from environmental burdens due to adverse socioeconomic factors, 包括残疾, 心血管病, 低出生体重率, 更高的住院率, 热岛效应, 欠款/断开连接, 获取数字/互联网资源, 获取食物, 获得保健的机会, 教育程度, 估计能源负担, 历史红线影响, 家庭护理, 住房负担, 语言隔离, 心理健康或疾病, 贫困, 比赛, 租客与业主, 有固定收入的长者, 交通费和失业.

    The list of vulnerability factors and resulting mapping may change as PSE’s 清洁能源实施计划 发展.

  • 社区输入

    To ensure the best outcomes for our customers, we gave our communities a seat at the design table. PSE正在与居民接触, 社区组织, 市, government agencies and 部落的实体 to better understand the barriers they may face in accessing transportation electrification and help remove those barriers and maximize their desired benefits.

    This feedback directly informs how we’re designing our 使流动 programs to help remove those barriers. Download our community engagement reports below.


If you have questions about 使流动 incentives or eligibility – or other electric vehicle programs – email us at evprograms@3600151.com.